He Knows ©Brian Hooper February 2008
Everything I’ve ever done, he knows.
Everything beneath the sun, he knows.
Every word I never said, he heard them, every one,
and everything I’ve done - he knows.
And still he offers me the living water,
to take my thirst away and wash me clean;
He knows me through and through and loves me anyway -
isn’t that the best news there’s ever been?
Isn’t that the best news there’s ever been?
Everything you’ve ever done, he knows ........
(as first verse but ‘you’)
Let us bow down, bow down and worship;
Let us kneel before the Lord our God and listen for his voice,
And let us sing in celebration,
With open hearts for the Saviour, let us rejoice.
Everything I’ve ever done, he knows ....
(as first verse, plus extra last line)