Brian Hooper
by email via
Above centre: “White Star Line-up”, performers of “Look Out! Southampton’s Titanic story in song”
Above right: with my lovely guitar, hand made by the brilliant Vince Hockey to my own specification.
Welcome to the Brian Hooper website
For technical reasons I won’t explain here (because I don’t understand them) it’s become difficult to keep this site updated.  It will stay here for the foreseeable future but for up-to-date news of what I’m up to it’s probably better to visit me on Facebook, at:

Like many others I’ve pretty much given up on MySpace, following numerous “improvements” that have rendered it virtually unuseable.    But you can still click on to visit, and listen to some of my songs.

You can also find me on YouTube.  Chris Burt d’Arcy made a nice filmy thing of “The Time Of The Unspoken Prayer”, with the extra bonus of not showing my ugly mug, and you can find it at  For other songs, visit my YouTube channel at

Another couple of websites you might want to visit are the one about “Look Out!”, which is, and the one about “Southampton In Song”, which is
You’ll find various links around the site, but to save you hunting around for one you know is in here somewhere, here they are, plus a few others you might like to see.

Fo’c’sle Folk Club
Southern Counties Folk Federation
Winchester MayFest
Nonsuch Folk Club
Forest Tracks
Folk On Tap
The Society of St James
The Howard League for Penal Reform
Utility Warehouse Discount Clubhttp://www.original106.com
How to get the music
If you’d like to buy a copy of “A Year In Providence”, “Hooperman In The Can” or “Southampton In Song” (or the book “So You Want To Be A Folk Club MC?”) just email me and I’ll give you the necessary details.  Alternatively, the two solo albums are available to download at, where you can also hear extracts from each track and make nice comments.
“He Set Me Free” is my album of Christian songs.  It’s been available since February 2009 and the first 200 copies were free!  I’ve now got some more, for sale at a very modest price.  Click here for more details.