A Year In Providence
“A Year In Providence” is my second solo album, and consists entirely of songs I wrote in the twelve months following a songwriting week with Harvey Andrews at “La Jeusseliniere” in the summer of 2005.
Why the title?
So much about these songs just came along without me really looking for it (or so it seemed, anyway) that I did indeed feel it was providence.
And because it followed a week in France, albeit a long way from Provence, and with numerous references to France in the songs, and with me being a wordsmith of another sort as well (I compile the crossword for Hampshire magazine), it just seemed right to bring all those things together in a wordplay.  I hope Peter Mayle doesn’t mind!
I am hugely indebted to Harvey Andrews and Martyn Wyndham-Read for encouraging me, to the musicians on the album for their invaluable help, and to the audience at the Fo’c’sle folk club for being the initial testbed for all but two of these songs.
The launch
January 2007,
Blue Keys Hotel, Northlands Road, Southampton.
The launch event for “A Year In Providence” was held on Homelessness Sunday, in aid of the Society of St James, a charity working with the homeless and vulnerable in Southampton.  It raised just over £350 for the charity, and about 60 people had a really good evening as well!
Have a look at the Gallery page for some photos of the event.
the songs
(click for lyrics)
As well as myself on vocals, guitar, bass and a bit of percussion, the album features four guest musicians:
Pete Harris plays guitar and whistle, and  sings
Claire Coxwell plays piano accordion
Jeff Henry sings
and Emma Bailey makes a cameo appearance on vocals in “Rue de Frochot”
Listen now!
You can listen to a clip of each song, and download for a modest fee, at www.soundsurf.co.uk.
Above: Carriage Drive South, on Southampton Common.
Below: the concrete road, at Lepe
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