As we were hanging there		BRH May 2007

Then one of the criminals said "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom."  Jesus answered him, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise."

As we were hanging there, He told me He loved me;
As we were nailed there, He set me free.
As we were hanging there, said to God to forgive me;
As He was dying there, gave life to me.

I was a sinner, a thief abroad, 
Stealing from Caesar and mocking the Lord, 
As we were hanging there……..

Death was painful, cruel and slow, 
He said "Father forgive them, they don't know".  As we were …..

Heard a man, a Centurion,
Say "Surely this was God's own Son".  	As we were ……

We may betray, we may deny,
But Jesus hears us when we cry.		As we were ……

Christ rose up, grace came down,
Grace can turn your life around.		As we were ……
Chords: Each chorus and verse uses only two chords, starting with E and B7 and moving up the fretboard one step at a time, using barre chords or similar.  Tip: when you get to G/D7, use G shapes to give your grip a rest, and on the last verse use whatever forms of A and E7 you like!