Creation in fables Brian Hooper November 2006
We dug through the mountains, built bridges 'cross valleys
Built castles and fountains and dark little alleys
We tore down the timber for fires and tables
And only remember creation in fables
This was the land of the wolf and the wild boar
Too tough to struggle for, beyond the beyond
First came the Romans, their Emperor conquering all he saw
Then came the railways and the wolves they were gone.
We dug through the mountains ….
This was an Eden, where life was simplicity
Peace and tranquillity, fishing and farms
Now they burn coal and flood valleys to make electricity
And tourists in shorts fly to see all its charms.
We dug through the mountains ……
There was the land of Comanche and Navaho
Home of the buffalo, wide as the sky
Stolen and plundered by Conquistadores and Englishmen
Turned to a dustbowl, its rivers run dry.
Down to the floor of the deepest dark ocean
Up to the planets, no counting the cost
I have no answer to offer but this is my question
Where is the frontier we dare not to cross?
We dug through the mountains ……